
Eye Exams

Adults over the age of 19 are recommended to have a comprehensive eye examination annually. Our doctors will check your vision, glasses prescription, binocular vision, and ocular health.

Optometrist performing an eye exam

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The importance of comprehensive eye exams

It is recommended that individuals aged 19 and above undergo a comprehensive eye examination annually. During the examination, our doctors will assess your visual acuity, prescription for glasses, binocular vision, and overall ocular health. Vision encompasses more than just 20/20 clarity, which is why we perform a thorough examination of ocular health, including a pupil dilation that enables us to screen for common eye conditions such as cataracts, glaucoma, and macular degeneration. Patients with underlying health conditions like diabetes and high blood pressure are advised to have more frequent eye exams as these ailments can have a significant impact on eye health. Patients with certain eligible medical conditions can receive one exam every 12 months covered by OHIP. Seniors without an eligible medical condition can receive one exam every 18 months covered by OHIP.